There’s all kinds of events and holidays we love celebrating and so I invite everyone to celebrate National Let It Go Day this month. It can be a fun event!
To plan such an exciting day in our year, you first need to mark your calendar – June 23. I recommend that you invite some friends and family over for the occasion because they could help provide the support you need in this adventurous day. And who wants to be letting go all by yourself anyway? But if your friends or family can’t join in, you can always call us.
Better yet, if friends or family can’t join in on freeing yourself from stuff, you could always plan to have a garage sale and have others join in to make it a massive sale consisting of all the things you and others are letting go of. However if this isn’t the day for it, just do the “letting go” part and save the garage sale for a later time, or donate the stuff you’ve just freed yourself from.
In all our years of helping people let go so we can get them better organized and free of so much stuff cluttering their space and life, there is always a celebration in one way or another.
One lady pulled out the wine and some fancy wine glasses (that she could now find and get to easily) and we toasted to her new organized kitchen. One couple decided to throw a dinner party, which they had not done in 5 years. One family’s teenage son had a live band party in their garage after it was cleared of stuff. And one woman kept saying “Hallelujah” every time she discarded something.
Celebrating comes in all ways. And this national holiday event is meant to let go of whatever it is that’s keeping you from being happy. So if it’s too much stuff cluttering your space for instance, this is the time to let it go!
Happy Letting Go!
P.S. Oh, and there’s always this:

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