Getting in a tidy car feels as good as entering a tidy room, and visa versa – getting into a messy car feels as bad as entering a messy room.

I find it interesting that some of my friends who have tidy homes are not necessarily the same about their cars. One would think that the habit of tidiness is something that would spill over into other areas of that person’s livingness or living spaces. And, a car is one of those living spaces. However, I don’t find that the tidy habits at home are always applied to the car.

The reason this subject even comes to mind is because we are now in the Summer months and it is hot, and having to wait outside the heat while your friend is moving things around in their car so you can get inside is not so fun.

So I thought I would vent here (which I think I already did).

Car Habits to Maintain Order

Personally, I have “car habits” that were adapted from the time I got my first car. Here are a few of my habits that I hope will help you maintain order in the car:

  • Routine de-cluttering: When I get out of the car, I take any trash with me, as well as any items that go back into the house. I leave no car-clutter inside when I’m done using it.
  • Containment for storing items: Whenever I find that I need to keep certain things inside the car, I get an item to contain it – like a car organizer, or special carry-bag for papers or whatevers. I use a bag hung on the headrest of the seat to store my fabric grocery bags and another bag on other headrest for trash.
  • Clearance of floor space: Because my dog often travels with me, I make a point to keep items off the floor of the car where she needs to make that jump inside. But this habit is also good so that your people passengers who are getting inside don’t have stuff to step over or on top of.

With this simple habits, I’ve managed to keep my car orderly and tidy. The only other thing is the handling of your gadgets, which you can read about from an article I read called “How to Organize and Maintain Your Car To Save You Time, Money, and Effort.